Time and money are the two most important aspects of any construction project. BIM technology enables all stakeholders in construction projects, such as architects, engineers, consultants, and contractors, to collaborate and derive accurate estimates for both project time and cost. Accurate estimates help stakeholders control project costs while also facilitating efficient project management. It also help in reviewing all project valuations to estimate the economic advantages for the contractor.

It also provides visual representation to construction companies and assists them in managing project risks by detecting design flaws and reducing rework and expenditures. It is a Breakthrough Innovation in the construction industry that enables virtual project planning and management throughout the life of the building.

But what impact does BIM technology do on your construction?


  1. BIM Visualize Changes in Construction Project: Drawings with 2D (2 Dimensional) and CAD software have their own restrictions, but the BIM gets over such restrictions by building a physical model of the conceptual design. A precise representation of the final appearance of a certain building, bridge, or other infrastructural design is provided by a real-life model made utilizing BIM technology. The ideas drawn out on paper frequently change because they can’t address the challenges of the real construction. On the other hand, digital designs created with BIM technology provide much deeper insights into the nitty-gritty of doing the design’s construction.


  1. BIM assists in reducing unforeseen changes: BIM technology creates a virtual model that serves as a reference point for all parties involved in the construction project, assisting in the creation of a single system of record. Such a shared point of reference makes it easier to carry out all talks and plans effectively. Reducing the impromptu adjustments made during various building phases as a result. The progress of the construction can also be monitored with the aid of the virtual model. Disparities between the plan and the actual can be easily found with real-time progress tracking. This means there won’t be any last-minute alterations and significant cost savings from unanticipated design revisions.


  1. BIM aids in cost control: The toughest issue in every building project is keeping costs in check. The cost of the project is affected by variables like time, labour, and the number of supplies needed. The virtual model created with BIM technology aids in providing the most accurate project estimates that cannot be calculated otherwise. Accurate estimations help to reduce inventory costs because materials can be ordered only in the quantities needed and at the times needed. Over-ordering, delays due to under-ordering, on-site storage costs, material loss, and so on are all eliminated.


  1. BIM help in scheduling of the Project: It is inevitable that the infrastructural design would undergo several alterations by the time a project is finished. The paper drawings become a headache as the planned design is updated and the necessary revisions are made. BIM technology helps in reducing the chances of extra work or re-work. Because it is digital in nature, the model can be easily updated. Changes are not only immediate, but also available in real time to all stakeholders.


  1. BIM help in addressing clash detection: During the course of construction projects, a number of activities may wind up getting in the way of one another. Take, for instance, plumbing or electrical conduit that passes through a beam. HVAC, plumbing, and other tasks can potentially cause collisions. The only choice available using the traditional framework is to redesign and rework. On the other hand, the BIM model can assist in locating any possible conflicts throughout the actual design phase. As a result, time and money are saved, and the project is completed on time.


With all these credible arguments, we can draw the conclusion that it is evident that the effects of BIM on project management are significant. A revolution in the construction industry is BIM. Construction is significantly impacted by it. It helps construction organizations complete and manage projects more successfully and with more quality, productivity, efficiency, and safety. And the development of BIM technology will have a significant influence.